Top Private Brand Categories on The Move

With rising inflation and ongoing supply chain issues continuing to unsettle consumers, shopper intelligence leader Catalina is closely tracking the sales impact on grocery retailers’ Retail Brands (private brands). Private brand categories showing the biggest gains year to date through July 17, 2022, per Catalina’s Shopper Intelligence Platform, include Baking Mixes - up 40%, Soup -

Top Private Brand Categories on The Move2022-07-24T10:17:24-04:00

Retail Brands Product Launches Outpace CPG Brands

While the number of new product introductions has fallen during the first two years of the pandemic -- with Retail Brands (private brands) introducing nearly 34% fewer products in 2020 and 54% fewer products in 2021— new CPG Brands dropped substantially more—down 46% and 65% respectively—compared to 2019. Amidst the overall pullback in 2020, Private

Retail Brands Product Launches Outpace CPG Brands2022-01-26T18:50:50-05:00

COVID-19 Driven Purchases Create Private Brand Trial

[et_pb_section fb_built="1" _builder_version="4.4.6"][et_pb_row _builder_version="4.4.6"][et_pb_column type="4_4" _builder_version="4.4.6"][et_pb_text _builder_version="4.4.6"]Below is the next guest post in our campaign to help the Private Brand community during these trying times. The post comes from Wesley Bean, SVP, Global Retail Network, Catalina. New categories of commodities are driving impressive growth in private brand purchases during the COVID-19 crisis. Shoppers aren’t stopping at traditional entry

COVID-19 Driven Purchases Create Private Brand Trial2021-09-15T09:40:28-04:00