Velocity Global: the My Private brand Conference is almost here! Spots are filling up FAST, so make sure you save YOUR register today for this fantastic event. The conference begins on August 4 – join us from your desk, couch, living room, or conference room.
This year’s event takes place on the 4th and 5th of August and is brought to life online with live and on-demand sessions and networking. For the first time ever, the Velocity Conference is coming to you in a content-packed, online virtual event, unlike anything you’ve attended before – the first-ever global private brand event. With more than 30 retail executives from around the world presenting you have an unparalleled opportunity to immerse your business in the conversation like never before.
Attendees of a physical event often need to scour exhibition rooms and endless aisles searching for name tags and tracking down decision-makers. At Velocity, these physical barriers are stripped away. Attendees have immediate access to fellow attendees, as well as speakers and exhibitors, with just a few clicks of the mouse.
Join us at Velocity – make the connections and meet the retail decision-makers that will change your business.
August 4-5, 2020, all presentations are available on demand for 365 days.
Retailer ticket: $95 USD
Standard ticket: $495 USD
August 4-5, 2020
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