For the 10th anniversary edition of the Vertex Awards, we have expanded the international voice and added judges from around the world to expand the global perspective of the judging panel.
This year’s panel of 24 judges includes design luminaries from eight countries each tasked with holding entrants to the higher standards for design. Standards that make the winners not merely the best Retail-owned Brand (private brand) design but the best design – FULL STOP.
Open to Retail-owned Brands worldwide in any trade channel, the Vertex Awards encourage retailers, agencies, consultants, graphic design firms, manufacturers, and brokers to submit their Private Brand entries.
Judges for this year’s competition include:
- Paco Adin, Creative Director, Supperstudio,
- Danielle Beal, Creative Director, The Creative Pack, California, USA
- Hernán Braberman, Executive Design Director, TridImage, Argentina
- Hamish Campbell, VP Executive Creative Director, Pearlfisher, New York, USA
- Connie Cao, Senior Graphic Designer, ACE Hardware Global Distribution (Shanghai) Ltd. a subsidiary of ACE Hardware Corporation USA, China
- Don Childs, Executive Creative Director, Sterling, Ohio, USA
- Matt Clemens, Creative Director, Contrast, USA
- Charlene Codner, Founder & Chief Creative Officer, Fish Agency, Ontario, Canada
- Steven Cox, Creative Director, Daymon, Connecticut, USA
- Maria Dubuc, President, MBD – Marketing by Design (MBD), Massachusetts, USA
- Michael Duffy, Group Creative Director & Board Director, Equator Design, Illinois, USA
- Masanori Eto, Creative Director, AdBrain,, Tokyo, Japan
- Loe Limpens, Creative Director, HEMA, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Todd Maute, Partner, CBX, New York, USA
- Fred Richards, Executive Creative Director, Chicago, Illinois
- Tatiana Ryfer, Global Identity Director, Carrefour, Paris, France
- Jens Sievert, Creative Director, Daymon International, Lisbon, Portugal
- Dr Vickie Van Hurley, Adjunct Professor at University of Tampa and Florida Southern College, Florida
- Tahir Idouri, Creative Director, Milford, The Netherlands
- Nick Vaus, Partner & Creative Director, Free the Birds, United Kingdom
- Warren Spence, CEO & Founder, Motor Brand Design, Australia
- ZHOU Wenjun, Founder, Creative Director & Architect, 524 Studio, China
For a design to qualify, it must have been introduced in-store between November 2021 and November 2022. Points will be awarded for design, information architecture, originality, structure, and x-factor. While judges can submit their own work, they cannot judge a their own work.
Winning work will be honored at celebrations in Charlotte, NC and Amsterdam. Then published on the Vertex Awards site, Velocity Institute site and in Global Retail Brands magazine.
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