As the Netherlands and other European countries battle Covid-19 with increasingly stringent government mandates on assembly and movement, PLMA has decided to cancel its “World of Private Label” Trade Show, which was set for the RAI Exhibition Centre on 14-15 December, according to an announcement by the PLMA International Council.
The PLMA show annually attracts thousands of exhibitors and visitors to the RAI and is the world’s largest trade fair of its kind. The December event was actually the rescheduled May 2021 show, which also fell to Covid-19 restrictions.
In announcing the December cancellation, PLMA assured its members, retailers, and other parties in the private label industry that it will be providing ample opportunity for them to network and transact business throughout 2022. A virtual show, PLMA Global, will be presented in March, and the regular annual in-person event has been set for 31 May – 1 June 2022, at the RAI in Amsterdam.
PLMA President Peggy Davies said: “PLMA remains committed to providing the worldwide private label industry with networking opportunities as well as valuable sales and marketing solutions.”
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