Walmart, Tesco, Carrefour, CVS Health, BJ’s, Wakefern & Giant Eagle to take the RBI Sustainability Summit Stage
The RBI Sustainability Summit live online is a little more than a month away December 8th and 9th and we have some exciting announcements on tap including today's list of retail executives taking the RBI virtual stage: SARAH PASKELL – WALMART Senior Director, Private Brands, Packaging Design and Sustainability SCOTT WILLIAMS _ BJ’s WHOLESALE CLUB Vice President of Own Brands and Quality PAUL EARNSHAW - TESCO Senior Packaging Manager SHANNON COLAMARINO – GIANT EAGLE Director of Own Brand Design & Brand Management GLENN PFIEFER - WAKEFERN Design & Packaging Manager ROBERT ZUEHLKE - WAKEFERN Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility
RBI Sustainability Summit Free Tickets Now Available
After successfully completing our for first three online Summits and welcoming more than 1,000 attendees from 32 countries and more than 100 retailers we are excite to invite you to our final virtual event of the year the RBI Sustainability Summit live online December 8th and 9th. Speakers will include executives from Walmart, Tesco, BJ'S Wholesale Club, Carrefour, Wakefern, Fair Trade USA, Products of Change, Loop, Oracle, MBD, Daymon and more. To encourage the entire private brand community to attend the groundbreaking event, ALL of the tickets are FREE courtesy of Marketing by Design. Get your FREE
RBI Sustainability Summit Call for Speakers
Are you passionate about Retail Brand Sustainability? Are you or is there someone within your organization who is an experienced and dynamic speaker who can help retail and private brand professionals develop strategies, skills, and a mindset that drives private brand differentiation? If so, we invite you to speak at the RBI Sustainability Summit live online, 12.8-9.21. Speakers should inspire, entertain, and engage through interactive presentations or panels providing practical, actionable takeaways in a virtual environment. So far this year My Private Brand virtual events have hosted more than 1,000 private brand professionals who come together to connect, learn,
Kroger Executive Outlines Keys to Innovation
Driving innovation for The Kroger Co.’s Retail Brands is a big responsibility — and Natalie Taake fits the role well. During a session at the Velocity Institute (RBI) Innovation Summit, Taake, who is Senior Innovation Manager, relayed insightful perspectives on how to achieve success. “There’s never been a better time to be in private label and innovation,” she said. Emerging consumer trends are creating new opportunities for innovation, she added. “We can meet needs that we never had to solve for before.” Tactical Thinking Can Hinder Success Taake said innovation is an over-used word that often has a “fluffy”
10 Key Takeaways From The RBI Innovation Summit
Innovation is hard to define and even harder to achieve, but it is central to the growth of Retail Brands. This point was emphasized during the Velocity Institute (RBI) Innovation Summit. Speakers relayed strategies to meet new customer needs and prioritize differentiation. Executives from companies including Whole Foods Market, Walgreens, CVS Health and Kroger spoke at the online event, which drew some 700+ registrants across 37 countries. Here are ten key points from Summit speakers. Redefine Innovation: Innovation has long been associated with products, but there are other important areas for innovation, speakers said. “I try to broaden the
RBI Innovation Summit Now Available On Demand
If you missed last week's RBI Innovation Summit, all of the presentations are now available to view On Demand. With more than 2 dozen executive speakers you will not want to miss this exciting event. Watch Now!
Embracing Differentiation At The RBI Innovation Summit
Innovative products, experiences and partnerships are crucial to the future of Retail Brands. That message was delivered loud and clear by speakers during the closing day of the online Velocity Institute (RBI) Innovation Summit, which drew some 750 registrants across 37 countries. Broadening the Discussion “I try to broaden the innovation discussion beyond just products to include aspects such as process, technology, packaging and convenience,” said Tom Hermes, Vice President of Sourcing and Product Development, Whole Foods Market. “We are keen on drawing closer to our supplier community in 2022 and investing in relationships. There is long-term potential
Pushing Boundaries in Day One Of The RBI Innovation Summit
Retailers are breaking down barriers in positioning their brands for innovation. That is the takeaway from day one of the Velocity Institute (RBI) online Innovation Summit, which drew close to 700 attendees across 37 countries. It featured presentations from speakers at companies including Kroger Co., CVS Health, Longo’s and Sobey’s. “Private Brands like those from Kroger do not grow to such big businesses as cheap, low-quality knockoffs,” said Natalie Taake, Senior Innovation Manager, Kroger. “You need people focused on innovation in dedicated ways. You need to carve out time for them to be working on innovation. Kroger does this
Free Tickets Now Available for the MPB Innovation & Sustainability Summits
After successfully completing our for two online Summits Diversity and Design and welcoming more than 1,000 attendees from 32 countries and more than 100 retailers we are excite to invite you to our next two Summits and the annual Vertex Awards. The lineup focuses on the most compelling areas for the industry. Our 2021 agenda will feature four innovative live online Summit. Each Summit is a purpose-built digitally native experience designed to help the industry connect, discuss the latest trends, and shape the future private brand. Each Summit will feature an exclusive lineup of retail executives and influential thought leaders
Metro Puts the ‘Z’ in Private Brand Design
For the second year in a row, Canadian grocer Metro has injected a Gen Z sensibility to its Private Brand through a unique university student design competition. The competition drew new design ideas for Metro and helped raise the Private Brand industry’s profile with this emerging generation of potential employees, according to a presentation at the virtual My Private Brand Design Summit. “We have to start looking at the newer generation as we think about growth,” said Marie-France Gibson, Vice President of Private Brand for Metro, a 2021 Vertex Awards winner. How the Competition Worked The competition was outlined in